Time to Leave
Time to Leave is a Desktop app for work time management which looks similar to a time-card system. It’s different from other software available as it’s very simple, doesn’t require any database configuration, and focuses on allowing you to control your time. Its premise is to help you manage the time you are working and to notify you when it’s time to leave (hence the name).

Fully customizable
Highly customizable, not only in the look and feel, but also offering lots of functionalities such as defining how many hours you usually work per day and which days you work, allowing you to quickly source holidays based on your region (Country, State, and City), and much more.
Time to Leave comes with three themes right out of the box. Light, Dark, and Cadent Star themes.
Choose between Day and Month to log your work time; lunch, start and end of your day.

Get notified when it's time to leave
Log the time you started working today, and the program will compute what time you should leave the office, considering the time you spent on breaks, such as lunch.

Add a Waiver for days off
You can also add waivers on the days you did not work with a reason: if it was due to vacations, sick leave or anything else.
Time to Leave
Manage your time, improve your work-life balance and get control over your working hours.